The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Clock Watching.....

I thought as there was so many Dandy lion clocks on here I would join in too. I had to use my 40D as my Macro Lens for the 5D has yet to turn up, I have ordered the EF100mm f2.8L, but don't tell Mrs BM, she still thinks I'm going to buy the Boat in Brighton, hahaha.

We have Maddy again tonight and I can hear Captain Mac in the background, so she's not in bed yet.
Her new word is "Delicious" and she says it with a smile on her face as she eats anything.
Tonight she caught her first ball, by herself, and then got really into catching and continued for about 15 minutes, never missing, not bad for a 22 month kid, almost as good as our 20/20 team out in St Lucia.

Off to the Black Country Museum tomorrow with her, so expect a nostalgic picture.

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