The Rambling Path

By MuddyFox

Trains trains trains... *clunk*

Well, today has been a shameful day for transport. Got the 7:30am train from Aberystwyth, which broke down just outside Machynlleth... great. Waited for engineers for a while, they fixed it and we were off again... for a while. Waited for ages at Welshpool to let a train go past (as we were behind time) then the train terminated at Shrewsbury, which was fine for me but not good for many!

Of course by this time I'd missed my booked connection, but luckily all went fine (apart from a minor incident where I locked myself in the toilet and literally had to bend the metal to get out... oops). Made a friend who said she could give me a lift to 'the only pool in Newport'. This turned out to be the wrong pool! Darn. Realised after she'd drove away so had to call on a kind Janet to deliver me to the GB training at the International Pool!

Brill training session and then they announced the teams... and I'm in and Captain!! Couldn't believe it and super super happy!

Had to then rush off as I realised one of my planned connections was for the last train to Aber, and I only had 5mins to do it... Rather than risking it I had to skip the meal :( and board an earlier train *sigh* After 2hrs waiting for trains I FINALLY arrived back in Aber :) Back at the flat I found two flat mates dressed up as pirates; all back to normal then!

Sleep now... Race for Life tomorrow!

Picture snapped at Shrewsbury Station while waiting around for trains

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