florence of rome

By florence

an experiment with self photography or the hat tha

Each spring my ex-husband gives me two tickets to the Steeple Chase...NorthWest
Georgias' version of the Kentuckey Derby...one ticket I keep for myself, go figure.
the other I always give to WhiteBalance. The event is quite exciteing...includes arts and crafts, lots of fantastic catered food, free flow of the vino, music, dancing and a hat contest, one I enter in every year. This past year this particular hat did not make it on time. I'd moved and was approaching the grounds from a different location...little did I know traffic would be backed up for miles. I missed entering the contest by 5 (five) minutes. As you can see it deffinately would have won. Oh! one thing I almost forgot, the event includes horse raceing...lol:). Anyway I wanted to show my hat off, spent the evening taking some fairly lously photo's of it. One should not attempt a self photo when one does not have a camera with a timer.

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