Fake Skylines

By fakeyskies

But this is the end, the end of the innocence

I don't think anyone will understand the following, but still I want to type it out:

Who knows how long this will last
Now we've come so far, so fast
But, somewhere back there in the dust
That same small town in each of us
I need to remember this

Today is last day of my part time job, saying goodbyes, receiving best wishes from my colleagues. Have been doing the same part time last 4 years, right just after I finished my A-level exams I joined it as a summer job and than too much have happened made me to stay. Sigh.

I quited. Finally. For 4 years long, I made so many mistakes... But I growed up, really, for sure. I was immature, naive. But now, I've changed a lot.

This is destiny.

Thank you so much, esp. someone. You TAUGHT me too much that I really can't describle it in words/English. I always lost my mind, and today I forgot I said THANK YOU. Trust me, I couldn't say it in front of you even I remembered. Hahhaaa.

I never expected all of these. As least, this is a good way to end the story. Everything is now past tense.

memories fading away but not the feelings

as always, you never worried we won't able to meet again
you probably will not feel regret not saying goodbye
about love, I thought I am already immunity that will neither tempted nor heartbreaking
But now I'm okay, was just almost lost in...

if hearts can survive time
at the ends of the earth we'll meet again
before our hearts get old

Blip* on the way back home by tram

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