Photo a day for 2010

By kusasi

Towel Day

Today is Towel Day - a day when those of us of a slightly nerdy disposition remember Douglas Adams, author of the Hitchhiker's Guide trilogy who tragically died a few years ago, aged just 49. And, just for fun, in honour of the characters in his books, you should always carry a towel, or at least know where yours is to hand. Here is a fine geometrically arranged few dozen of said items.

But Douglas Adams was a great influence for two reasons. Firstly - his humorous fiction remains just about the only fiction I have read, loved, and frequently returned to. But secondly, his love for the animal world and appreciation of endangered species led to the "Last Chance to See" collaboration with Mark Carwardine, and a lifelong affiliation with conservation charities, specifically concerning rhinos and gorillas. His patronage of Save the Rhino drew me to them and inspired me to run the marathon for them last year. I owe a lot to this man but more importantly so do some of the world's most endangered species - RIP Douglas Adams

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