Northern Exposure

By Northern

In days of old...

A long time ago (well 200 ish days if truth be told) in a misty isle on the edge of the world. I was taking some pies to market. As I trudged my weary way along the road I met a mysterious man man who offered to swap my pies for some magic beans that would change my life.

Having had a bit too much coffee before setting out that morning I decided this was a fair deal and danced my way home. I took them to the most sheltered bit of the garden and with the help of the ghostly gardener planted the beans.

Next morning I awoke to a an incredible sight. The beanstalk grew before my eyes until it disappeared into the clouds. I hurriedly awoke my trusty companion and we decided to embark on an adventure. How could we resist?

Packing our bags with essential supplies, we left a note to say we?d be back for supper and set about climbing the beanstalk.

On reaching the clouds we stepped out into a magical land. Before us lay a tunnel and we carefully stepped into the unknown. At the far end we emerged into a vast castle where only giants could live.

Slowly we pushed open a door inside stood a knight beside a golden cage, what could he be guarding? Suddenly a small voice was heard, a tiny angel, he very loudly shouted that the giant was coming and she wanted her tea and biscuits. The floor started to shake and an enormous giant came bursting through the door!.

She stopped suddenly... 'bring me my goose, NOW!'

The knight slowly opened the golden cage and took a tiny gosling from inside. He placed it in front of the giant. 'Lay me a golden egg!!' she shouted. The gosling looked at her and quacked 'Don't be daft Missus' and hid in a shoe.

Now the giant wasn't very pleased with this and called on her evil henchman to come out from his dark and sinister tower.

'Why wont this goose lay me a golden egg?'

'Well, I'm not sure... swans are my area of expertise, but I reckon it's because it?s because it's a duck not a goose.'

The giant looked in horror at the duckling 'Knock its block off she cried.

The evil henchman lunged across the room, but the knight blocked his way and fought him back. Arrow jumped out and grabbed the duckling. The knight backed towards us and we turned and dashed for the tunnel but before we could reach the beanstalk an enormous demon appeared blocking our way to safety.

Arrow, the knight, myself and the duck were trapped! Who would save us?

The demon and the giant were about to grab us... a fairy appeared in a shimmering haze 'Come with me' and with no hesitation we followed her through a rabbit hole.
On the other side we found ourselves in a fairy glade where a pixie told us the secret password to take us home.

So... Arrow, the knight, myself and our favourite duck returned home safe and well and of course all lived happily ever after!

Our next adventure could happen any day... but meanwhile, I harvested some more beans. Anyone want some?

Any resemblance to blippers real or imaginary is purely on purpose!

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