I am 27

By Iam27

Jeremy Jay

So this picture is actually for the 16th and the party was actually taken on the Saturday night, the 15th, but I can't change the dates. Oh well.

So after the party on Saturday I got up after a few hours sleep as Jestico and I were due to shoot a music video for Jeremy Jay. Our mate from uni, Tony, plays bass for him. Anyway I met Jestico and Tony at just after 10am and we went around to some girls place where we'd be filming part of the video. It was an interesting room with lots of cool props so we shot quite a bit of b-roll including some interesting macro stuff. I love my 5D. Unfortunately Jeremy didn't show up until after 2pm and then spent the day smoking loads of weed. It then rained so we didn't even make it outside which was the plan. It was a pretty difficult day trying to get a very stoned band trying to look energetic for what is actually quite a catchy pop song and we ended up leaving with not that much to work with except lots of b-roll which we now have to turn into a music video. Fingers crossed

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