
By rainie

District Council Buildings

These are our council buildings, where supposedly all the right decisions are made for our district. We have a female mayor who is in her 2nd 3 year term - it is very difficult to please everyone & we know she can't but generally she is doing OK. This building was gutted totally a few years ago leaving just the facade; a very wise idea, the interior is modern..Over time I will blip many of our building of Edwardian achitecture that grace our main street.

Blipped this after I left work for home. Managed a full day at work, voice not the best but I have got there. Thankyou all for your best wishes.

Here's a little bit of useless information....one of our clients came in with some information, our physio said she would google it. His answer to her was

"there is a lot of road kill on the journey to knowledge"


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