In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Goodbye Old Friend

Tomorrow we get our new car, which is a happy thing.
But that means we are giving our 15 year old Roadster up for scrap, which makes me sad.
Dr Dad doesn't really care what he drives. It's me who loves cars and driving. (I never played with dollies when I was wee, my fave toys were a red fire engine and an orange beetle with a white daisy on the door).
So when we needed an extra car when we lived in the middle of nowhere a few years back, this little fella was bought for my husband to drive on a daily basis, because I had to have the one with a back seat for the baby, but it was really my toy.
A manual car is a rarity here in Japan, and when you drive a Prius (aka Go Kart) for the sake of the environment, sometimes it's nice to actually drive for a change.
I'm sad that I never actually got to drive it that much - too busy.
And I'm sad that we're giving up on it now.
But then there's the environment. And the government's cash for clunkers scheme to get bangers off the road, which will give me ¥250,000 if I scrap it as a trade in for an eco-car.
The going rate if I sell it is ¥15,000 if I am lucky.
And they say the camera never lies, but today it really does I swear. These photos make it look really spiffy, but it truly is a scar-ridden wreck (scars caused by Dr Dad I might add not me!)
The tiles flew off our roof a couple of months after we bought it during a particularly bad typhoon and peppered the whole vehicle with dents. The repairs cost more than the car.
Today I put the roof down for one last drive around the city, got caught in a downpour on the way. It runs really well for an old bugger. Affinity.
I'm sad to say goodbye.

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