Donita's Daily Dose

By pondosakate

Turkey Vulture

I haven't been very diligent lately about taking my daily walk. I did it religiously for the first six months following my surgery, as it was part of the recommended bone-healing regimen. Now that I'm pretty much recovered the motivation often isn't there. However, today I resolved to begin again and set out with iPod, ear phones, e-book, and camera thinking there couldn't possibly be anything new along the trail I've taken so many times. Boy, was I wrong!

Not far along, I saw what I thought was the usual two or three wild turkeys out for a stroll. Then I realized that they were turkey vultures rather than turkeys. This photo would be sharper if I had my druthers, but I'll take it. I don't often find vultures on the ground close enough and calm enough to let me blip them while they're eating.

A bit further on, I examined a valley oak tree to see if any galls were developing and came across some sort of larva (I think a lady bird beetle). I'll submit it to a friend I think may be able to ID it before I'm sure.

A little further along, I came across a huge yellow bee visiting vetch flowers. It looked like a bumble bee, but was the color of a honey bee. Something I had never seen before.

I didn't get great pictures, but I reveled in the experience. Maybe I'll even be inspired to do another walk tomorrow.

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