Dogwood Puddle Pics

By dogwoodpuddle


Awoke this morning to much needed rain and grey skies.

Six years today: and where are we compared to 9/11/2001?

My children are six years older. In two more years the oldest will be almost eighteen and will be a ripe age for the military recruiters (or draft). Two years after that the second male (traditionally the warrior son) will be of age for selective service. Two more years after that my only daughter will be eighteen, ready for college? marriage? combat training? And finally little A. In six years from yesterday he will be sixteen. The world will continue to spin on it's axis, the sun will rise and set, that much I am confident of. But what will their generation be faced with.
I see the past, see our lack of options for today, see the inevitable grinding machine of political and military conflict, and I worry for the future. I worry today as much as I worried on that fateful day six years ago.

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