Vic and Darren (+2)

By vicanddarren

It has begun...

After Wednesday night and going back into the Special Care Unit (backblip) we should be coming home today.

My mum has been soooo helpful, she came over and stayed the last two nights with the dogs and even did our laundry. So when I popped home to sort a few things everything was done around the house. I can't say how much I love her and thank her for her help having Nia and Joe back in hospital was a little scary the last two days and not having to worry about the hounds as well was a weight off. Especially seeing as we both stayed at the hospital overnight.

Off back to the hospital to pick them all up this afternoon. A second homecoming.

We would also like to thank the people who work at the Neonatal Unit at West Suffolk Hospital in Bury St Edmunds. They are amazing, everyone we have dealt with has been caring, professional and they have always put our mind as ease. Thank you so much and I mean this in the nicest possible way but I hope we don't have to see you again.

Love to all D&V...&N&J

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