
By D77

Sixty Six

On the increasingly hideous taxi journey (they're like saunas at the moment) to Shitty Stars, I saw a man throw his can of juice out the window, without the slightest regard for the traffic behind him. Mostly, people just throw out their snotty tissues and crisp packets, which whilst still indicative of a complete lack of culture and civilisation, is at least unlikely to cause major harm when tossed out a window. Other delightful sights included a man selling boxes of tissues (VERY popular), and man selling windscreen sun shields (not so popular), and a man pushing a severely disabled girl around with her hand held out to which drivers dropped coins in to (very tragic).

Today's movie was Killers which was, with the exception of a small amount of scenes (mostly involving Tom Selleck), a load of utter pish. The trailer for the A-Team looked good, but then all trailers look good. I'm also rather looking forward to Knight and Day, and Inception.

With the Shitty Stars food areas full to bursting (nobody can afford to buy anything in the shops so they just sit around eating burgers and smoking), it was back to Maadi for some lunch at the award-winning (back in the 90s) Lucille's in Road 9. I had a 'Bare Bun Burger' which is advertised as a burger without the bun or fries. What arrived was exactly that. A burger. On a plate. With a slice of tomato. And a bit of onion. In the shadow of Larissa's ridiculously large salad, it looked most pitifully amusing. You had to be there I suppose.

The twenty-five minute walk home in search of something to photograph was filled with so much staring and beeping that, once home, I wish I'd never left the flat in the first place.

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