The Amazing Race

They are almost back. When I planted them, they were puny compared to the vigorous black-eyed Susan vines alongside which they stand. The catch-up started almost immediately. Every day they coil upward with great fervor and this afternoon, after the soaking rain stopped, they overtook their companions. All the plants in the garden that were cheering for the Morning Glories were beside themselves with joy, especially those that laid down some money on the outcome. If I had gambled I would have lost. Soon, the rich orange blooms will be accompanied by huge blue trumpets and that is the day that I will have won the grand prize. I can't wait.

Oh and I absolutely HATE Word 2007. I can't find any of the old toolbar items. Why they had to make it so completely different, I don't understand. Time for some tutorials or a handbook. Word for dummies, that's what I need.

In a few three of the LOTR trilogy on blue ray. First time since we saw it in the theater. I'm off to pop some popcorn.

Edit: Oh dear lord (of the rings) now I remember seeing that in the theater. People got up to leave thinking it was over THREE times. On and on and on and on. Could have ended at least an hour sooner. Still fun though.

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