The Whale Rally

On Friday Johann and Ivor (83) set off once again to a Bikers Rally in the vicinity - this time the annual Whale Rally.
It is a yearly event and this year it was held on the camping grounds at Keurboomsrivier, just outside of Plettenberg Bay.
About 1600 bikers registered and according to Johann it was well organized. The facilities were ample and free wood was provided for the braaiers and bbq's.
There was even enough hot water in the ablution blocks for everybody to cleanse and refresh themselves! Great !, when considering that it is almost wintertime and an icy shower might prove far too daunting.

The images show Johann and Ivor at the bottom of Natures Valley stopping to enjoy the view of the Blaauwkrantz river. Not far from here the higest bungy jumping spot in the world is found at the Blaauwkrantz Bridge, all 160m of it. Although the bridge is much higher, not all of the distance is used for the jump ... eeek!

The image of the lagoon is that at Knysna with the beautifulKnysna Heads only just visible - thinking of this blipper who had posted many beautiful blips from here over recent months.

The leather and studs Harley was definitely worth a second look, while the aloe next to the road was worth a stop.

Thanks to Johann for providing today's images.

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