
By mar

Books and friends should be few but good.

Books and friends should be few but good.

After being at a secondary school all morning working with Theatre students, I had time to pop over to see my dear friend Viviana for a cup of coffee and a catch up on conversation.

We met about 2 years ago when both Charlotte and Roberta (Vivi's oldest) took a swimming class together. The first thing I said to her was 'Is it ok that she's eating the shoe?' as her baby daughter ate her brother's shoe. From there, we just clicked.

My optimism sometimes/often annoys the hell out of her, especially when things aren't going easy for her, but she understands why. I also understand why she sometimes feels the need to be negative, although don't allow her to sulk into depression over silly things.

But no matter what, we always have a laugh. A main bond is that we are both not from this country, Vivi being from Italy. Sometimes the laughter is from our own accents.

I mentioned before that I've been on the quest for a perfect purse. I detest shopping and hate handbag shopping even more. Vivi, however, managed to find me the perfect purse while she was up the Lake District. Not only is the purse the perfect color and shape, she also took the time to ensure at least 2 books could be carried easily. That, is a true friend.

And if that wasn't enough, she let me have the eggs from her chickens today.

Can't ask for a better friend then that.

I could mention here that after swimming, while we were in the locker rooms waiting for the girls to get changed, her other two kids spent the time running in and out of the locker room, then hid *in* the lockers (luckily they don't lock without money). We had to check several of them before finding them. I found the whole thing extremely funny and thought the kids were quite clever doing that (2 and 4 yrs old), Vivi didn't.

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