Craft & Life

By Aluap

Typewriter Bargain

Took some clothes to the charity shop last week and found this little beauty sitting one a shelf. The lady told me it had only just been put out! Quite excited about finding an old typewriter as sometimes when crafting there's nothing like using the original courier script to enhance or embellish your card. The only little problem when i got it was how really dirty and gunky it was.

Taken me this long to clean it up and make it look presentable. Think the last owner smoked because the tar stains were really hard to remove. Replaced the foam pads so that when the lid goes back on it won't harm the machine. All the keys work, no sticking or bad impressions; the only thing i didn't check was if it had the ability to also do cursive writing, it doesn't, but for the almighty sum of £2.50 what can you expect...

I am going to look on the web for ribbon replacements, i'm sure they will be available somewhere. While taking pictures i took some out of focus to use as backing papers as type is quite 'in' at the moment.

I am hoping to alter the typewriter casing over the next few months, will Blip when it's done. Thanks for dropping by:-)

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