Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Seagull in Flight

Today was my Friday. I am off for the next 4 days--WhooHoo. Of course, I have lots of plans to clean house, wash and wax my car (My little baby Cabrio convertible) which I love, even though it has about taken all our extra funds to keep going.

I am going to try to keep my nose to the grindstone and get the things done I need to get done and push those ever-present thoughts of spending all 4 days blipping completely out of my mind (ya right!).

I was able to spend a little time at the park today, but I really could not get that great of shots. I was experimenting with my camera--I finally figured out how to change the manual settings. Boy, my shots were the noisiest things I ever saw.

Anyway, I caught a few seagulls flying and so I used this one for my blip.

I got another of a little bridgethat I thought turned out well, but my husband said "It's just a picture--it doesn't have anything artistic to it." It does have some nice reflections too.

Then, I saw the sun shining through these leaves with the water behind them, and I thought it was a pretty nice effect.

Sweet Dreams

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