live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

ucu ucu ucu...

kamu lucu imut dan menggemaskan banget sih... :*
here it is my little nephew K. he wants to say HELLO to all of you and he wants to give a pray for my brother *through his mom(my cousin) and his grandma(my aunty)*

my brother condition is going much better. after trying to sit down, now he can sit down, moving from sleeping position to sitting position, but his head and shoulders feel stiff, perhaps because it is always in a sleeping position * can not sit * and probably too much sleeping. and his eyes began to stabilize and the bandage on his forehead, and lips replaced again today. I only know that about his condition today, I came to visit him at 1pm before leaving for college at 2.30pm, I forgot to ask more information to my mom. his girlfriend came in the morning to accompany my brother, my dad today went to his office after two days did not work.

once again, thank you so much for praying for my brother, terima kasih ya.. :)

hope you all had a great day!

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