Lisa's life...

By lisa24270

Pets with Personality

meet Bubba, Bert & Reggie.

No great story behind them but it's another grey drizzly day here so thought I'd unwrap my new bigger photobox. Clearly the backing colour cloths need ironing before any serious photography occurs!

I used to help a friend run her Venetian jewellery/gift store, hence my previous trips to Venice, she introduced a few UK lines & the "Pets with Personality" was one of our favourite ranges to sell.

Bert was my first staff-discounted-purchase, there were no black labradors in the range at that time & this was the closest in looks to Stella, especially the ears!

I bought Reggie in memory of my previous dog Brodie, she was an adorable chocolate labrador & very different in personality to Stella.

Lastly was Bubba. He was at the expensive end of the range & I made him a promise that if nobody bought him, when we closed the shop I'd give him a good home!

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