
By LadyFindhorn

Running the Race

I can hardly believe that this is midsummer's day and it's not raining.
In fact it is the most perfect day with no wind and a temperature that makes it feasible to walk around without wearing several layers of thermals.

The walk into town through the Meadows with the newly manicured grass and in the shadow of the trees was most enjoyable. His Lordship and I were going to hand in some more family 'heirlooms' to the auction house.
Well we thought they were heirlooms but unfortunately the experts didn't, so there will be no extravaganza on the cash pay out.
I fear there's been too much watching of the 'Antiques Roadshow' and not enough pragmatism.

One of my big clearouts this morning was the box of event T-shirts which I have been hoarding under my bed for several years.
They were specific ones given at the start or the end of the races that His Lordship and I ran over 10 years. I counted 50 of them, mostly unworn and now probably mostly too small. I kept them along with the finishing medals as testament to the blood, sweat and tears that went into getting them.

Each T-shirt tells a tale of mighty endeavour and relentless training which I had to endure in all weathers just to get one foot in front of another and reach the finishing tape. It was only grim determination that made me succeed, and although I don't miss the sleepless nights with nerves before the races, I miss the jubilation of finishing them.
So very happy memories going to the charity shop, but not my medals - they are staying put. But I am more than a little sad.

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