Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

More Moonwalk Marshalling

We had a short ten minute break after finishing our first shift to grab a cup of tea, down a can of redbull and have a quick snack before we were loaded on to a coach to be taken to our next marshalling station. This time we were on zone 21 (the area between Mile 20 and Mile 21). We had an hour to kill on Portobello highstreet befre we had to be in position so we found some benches and then walked out our mile.

Knowing the area we were marshalling I had a distinct advantage. Half our section was up on the street, no view, traffic going past, no where to sit etc. The other half of our route was on portobello promenade. Lovely view, stone wall to sit on, no traffic, friendly neighbours, dog walkers etc. So I kindly volunteered to work on the stretch along the promenade.

By this stage walkers really begin to feel it. If they've done thier training they will have done one 20 mile walk but that can't prepare you for doing it through the night and at speed. Our role was to be there for if anyone needed first aid but mainly to cheer them on and give them some much needed encouragement. I remember from last year how fantastic it was to know that there was someone there for you, offering support.

I didn't really have any chance to take photos. I did fire off one shot of the first walker as she passed us at 3:30am, unfortunately the low light and 5mph speed she was doing made for a blurry shot. I also got one shot of the sunrise but felt the action shot was more appropriate.

It was a very long evening. The final pair of walkers passed us at 10:30am (they crossed the finish line at 2pm) but in that time we clapped, we cheered, we congratulated, we offered support and we drank a lot of caffiene. By the time I got home my voice was going, my whole upper body ached from clapping and all I wanted was to curl up and sleep.

It was a fantastic experience and I am so proud of each and every walker who was out there, even the ones who had to admit they could go no further and finished early.

Next year I'm contemplating doing the London moonwalk. Firstly becasue when did you ever see a hill in London? Secondly because I've done the Edinburgh route twice now, I know the course, I know where I struggle, which parts will be the hardest and I think that forms a psychological barrier that makes it even harder.

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