
By champignons


The lady's mantle here won and has bloomed and cast a shadow.

Mr Nut had many things to do;
Strawberries to pick (they weren't ripe)
Pebbles to rearrange
Paddling pools to fill
(with pebbles...)

Then we went for a swim- he now likes to jump in. He's very good at it but you have to clap for a while before he jumps in. If you don't, he grabs your hands and claps them for you.

Then he went to the common with his dad. He goes round at 300 dpm
(=ducks per minute)
Because all birds, and all bird sounds, are greeted with 'DUCKDUCK DUCK' and there are a lot of birds on the common.

I could hear them coming back because of the 'EEEEEE_IIIIIIIIE-EEEEEEEE_IIIII-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH' ing. I did not teach him old MacDonald, but some one has (at nursery I guess) and he cannot stop.

here is a list of things he likes on his farm
DUCK (duckduck)s
and polkadot pinwheels

They make a huffing sound, in case you are wondering.

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