Clickety Click

By clicketyclick

Lazy Day

I got the train to band practice this morning which turned out to be unusually quiet, probably due to various school proms last night and harmonic convergance rehearsals, but it was still good.

And that seems to be all i've done today, other than sleeping and a bit of drawing which I think I will start doing more often to distract me from other things.

Went out last night to play a bit of pool with seven or eight friends (we gave up after potting the white ball six times and the black one twice which apparently you aren't meant to do...) then I managed to eat out for the first time since late last year! :O which I think I am quite proud about, still slightly regretting it though.
Still, we had a really great evening and made the most of our last whole day at school (even though not compulsory) and I realised what good friends I have and am going to miss rather alot :'(

Oh and there may be a backblip or two if you want to take a peek...

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