
By raul

This weekend I went climbing on both days (check tomorrow's blip for the other photo).

The first day was with a big group and we did all kinds of routes, from easy to hard. This is Shawn working on one of the harder climbs.

Here is a photo of Shawn doing another hard climb. It looks a bit intimidating, doesn't it? The key is to use your legs. (The photo isn't tilted :)

NB: About a year ago, when I first started climbing outside, I did this climb. In the guide book it said it was an easy route, but I had a lot of trouble nonetheless.
Today I returned to this wall and tried the route again. It was a test to see how much I've learned and progressed in a year. The climb went a lot smoother, but I noticed that it wasn't as easy as the guidebook says it is. That is because I misread the guidebook the first time around. This is actually a much harder climb than I thought, something that I would consider "difficult" now and "impossible" a year ago.

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