
By D77

Devoid of buttocks

Do you know how many pictures I took of chairs today? Thirty-one, that's how many.

I first took this particular chair on the 27th of April (after it vaguely reminding me of something wingpig might have done in the past), but it wasn't sharp. Since then, I must have walked past it a dozen times, but each of those times it was surrounded by people. It seemed to be the most popular chair in Maadi, but just as I'd given up hope of getting it by itself, I walked past it today and there it was with not a soul in sight.

I suppose I should saying something interesting about this chair, but I really can't be arsed.

Never one to not want to milk a gag to death, here is the final installment in my Pussy Trauma trilogy. He's most definitely not coming back from this one:

---> Video - Pussy Trauma Part III

Just in case you missed them:

---> Video - Pussy Trauma
---> Video - Pussy Trauma Part II

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