I feel infinite.

By racheelz

Say Goodbye to Shanghai

I am sad to announce that tonight is my last night in Shanghai. I leave early tomorrow morning for Taiwan which I am very excited for!

Spent the last day relaxing. I like that very much after running around for the past two weeks. Finally ate meals at home and spent the afternoon on the couch looking at blip and other things.

Later in the day, we went to visit my dad's aunt. She's about 80 years old and is not in the shape to leave her house. The smile on her face when she saw us almost moved me to tears. She kept smiling and laughing when she looked at me and I couldn't help but smile back. She held onto my dad's hand as we all got to have a small moment together. It was great to see family reunited again. Her sons told us that she had been waiting all day to see us. Unfortunately, our visit only lasted about ten minutes, but seeing us made her so happy. I could stay there for ages just to see her smiling eyes as she talked to us.

For dinner I went back to the relatives' house. Uncle is an amazing cook and we had a huge feast once again. I hung out with my two second cousins again and we decided to take pictures of Lulu, the one pictured. She was telling us how she didn't know how to pose so I just took this candid shot of her.

It was extremely sad to say goodbye to my family. We waved our goodbyes and gave our best wishes. I'll especially miss my second cousins as they kept me company the entire time. They told me to visit again soon and I will definitely keep that in mind. Until next time, I say goodbye to Shanghai.

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