hannaheno's daily lives

By hannaheno

Comfort food

I'm not even in need of comfort, but sometimes only peanut butter on toast will do. Although, personally, if I can slice a banana on there as well, then I'm in heaven. Sadly, no bananas in the house.

Have had a lovely day "resting", where instead of my usual tornado like desire to clean and wash all weekend, I spaced it out, so did the handwashing (hate hate hate doing that), read a book I bought in Oxfam yesterday and who's author happens to be a Birmingham graduate, mowed the lawn, played Tetris, read book, drove to town in the TT (a very rare luxury as normally only driven by my other half - jeez it's quick that car), made two relatively impulse purchases, and bought a tin of ratatouille for my sad baked-potato-bachelorette-dinner (when my other half goes away I have to fend for myself - and with very little imagination or skills as you can see), had a nap, read book ... you get the picture.

This is good for me, I usually spend weekends knackering myself out.

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