florence of rome

By florence


I'm excited on one hand and freaked out on the other. Yesterday, I closed on my new townhouse. Which in a nutshell, by the time I'm...oh well never mind how old I'll be in thirty years, the point is I'll still be making mortgage payments. Oh Joy!, I am thrilled about the townhouse...it is perfect for Emily and I. Moving, however is another story! This will be my 4th move in less than 3 years...I wish I could take my body and go...leave all my belonging behind, start over. Not being a realistic option I've decided to pack. My framed family photo's are this box. Don't for one minute think this is all their is. I've got boxes and boxes of framed family photos. Sometime I think I should just put them in albums.
During this whole process, one thought comes to mind. In my lifetime I don't recall the number of times I've moved. My father was in the service when I was born...some moving involved there, too young to remember. When I really started to count our moves I was 9 years old. My father by then was working with the painters union so we moved where ever there was a construction boon. In reality I think my dad liked exploring other places and the only way he could was to pack us all up and move. We didn't move accross town, we moved across country. As a teenager I complained... "dad, I want to go to one high-school" . After attending 13 elementry schools 1st through 6th grade, I felt that was the least my father could do was slow down long enough for me to attend one high school. So my dad gave up our gypsy lifestyle for me, so I could attend one high school. Southwest Miami High. As an adult I've remained sort of stable making only one move which involved my children changeing schools. However, after my divorce, it seems I havn't found the place to root. At least until now.

Emily, is very excited about her new home, she calls it the big house. I couldn't figure out what she ment by that until the other day. I realized, the townouse is three homes together, which makes it from the outside look like one big house, at least in her eyes. I'm not going to tell her any different. Her bedroom will be lots bigger than the one she has now. I hope this is the beginning of a long long stay in one place.

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