
By nina

Saying Goodbye - Citations

I have saved all our first e-mails as prints. When I started making the book for Timo of our ten years of marriage I wanted to include them there. So this is a citation of what I wrote as a text for the picture of our first e-mail:

"Here everything started: Easter 1997, chatting on Kiss FM, nickname "An adult woman". It was a time of ecstasy. And only the prelude of the journey of my life. It was over eleven years ago and soon we are celebrating our ten years of marriage. "I'm not telling this because I'd be proposing to you" you wrote in the very first e-mail to me. Nevertheless you did."

Here are some citations of the first e-mail:

"Hello from Tampere. It was very nice to e-mail with you. I hope it wasn't the last time.

I could reveal that much about myself that by pedagogy I meant teaching and that I'm a teacher. To be specific a teacher of technical handicraft.....

At the moment I'm single. I left my last relationship to search for a better future. Although I haven't found it yet. I don't tell you this because I'd be proposing to you (or why not?)...."

This is what you wrote to me after our first weekend together in Tampere:

"Thank you once again for a wonderful weekend to my little..... This is how far I got before two women and one man came and interrupted me and dragge me downstairs. We are arranging a sports day for next tuesday and there is a lot to do. So my e-mailing had to wait for an hour. Well, here I am continuing.

The students, two or three of them, commented already before we got into the classroom that: "Hey teacher, I saw you in the bus with a white woman". Apparently I have before always been with some darker women. The students had so much fun of it.

Hello "white woman" how has your morning been?...."

In the book there is this first photo that Timo took of me "A white woman" in Tampere during our first weekend together in April 1997.

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