
Thanks for the response to yesterday's glass and vaseline shot. I have a feeling you're going to have to put up with a whole lot more ;-)

I had the foresight to realise I'd be very tired post course and took today off. I've felt like a stunned mullet. I listened to my body and shelved plans for a bracing run this morning and have pottered along.

An early blip and possibly no chance to comment tonight. I'm off out for dinner. I admire my friend S. She's brave taking on my current limited diet. Husband M will have fun poking borax at me and I'll give as good as I get ;-)

Week 3 of my 6 week detox and elimination diet comes to an end.

I feel great. I miss coffee my one cup of coffee a day. Body-wise the signs are encouraging but there are still days where it doesn't function as it should. But they're fewer than the better days and I'm able to manage. I remain hopeful but realistic. Time will tell is the benefits linger.

I was curious to see what the glass and vaseline effect would be like with this Cadillac and admiring dog. I was lucky, it was late in the day and the light was awful.

Happy weekend blippers!

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