A Dog's Dinner

By G

Book List

Today was our first day of solid wall to wall rain so we snuggled up by the wood burner and got out the books.

Read so far.

The Thirteenth Apostle an excellent religious thriller. Highly recommended holiday read.

Genghis Khan: Life, Death, and Resurrection - not bad if a bit of a Boy's Own Adventures. Did you know that the Mongols had the quickest communication in the world until the arrival of rail and the telegraph, based on ponies and way stations?

Delizia! The Epic History of the Italians and their Food - really interesting and thought provoking. Did you know that the Mediteranean Diet was invented by Dr Kay in the 1980's, the man who developed the K Rations for the American Army.

The Bedroom Secrets of the Master Chefs - 'pish', as Irvine would say.

Want to Play?, a holiday thriller good enough but it reads like a screen play.

...and another four to go

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