Around the Block

By Barrioboy

My Life's Purpose

As I prepare to launch my third professional career as an exectutive coach, I was fortunate to be invited to participate this morning in a workshop on the Leadership Development Framework, led by Pablo Tovar and Teresa Alonso, two very well respected coaches in Spain.

I was challenged to visualise el proposito de mi vida (my life's purpose) and drew the above. I have done some work before on verbalising it and, indeed, formulating a story and making a short video to illustrate it, but it was another thing to draw it!

I would love if you could say what it communicates to you, if anything! I might save myself a few thousand pounds on a graphic designer's fee for a logo!

For those who would like to know the verbalisation of the purpose, come back tomorrow and I will share what it is!! Don't want to be a tease but if I state it now, it will influence your reaction...


Many thanks to all for your comments, yesterday and today, on this blip; it wasn't an easy task and there was, of course, no right or wrong answer...only your impressions on the lines and colours.

The latest verbal expression of my life's purpose, boldy stated, is 'everybody grasping their life's greatest opportunity'. It is a long story as to how I got to this definition but, for me personally, it is closely associated with living in the world of ideas, creating possibilities, making new connections, being creative in a broad sense and, through whatever vehicle is at hand (work or hobby or friendship or chance encounter), having some sort of impact that has this result for people.

I drew the lines above in 10 seconds having chosen the colours in the previous 10 seconds, and then simply letting something come is only the second time in 30 years that I have drawn anything, so it is no doubt drawing-wise immature, and happened very spontaneously with the thoughts expressed above present in my, I can look at it and post-rationalise and think that the orange and blue represent the freedom, freshness, excitement and boundlessness of new ideas, above and beyond the earth's known and firm horizon as represented by the pink/red lower line. The merging of the orange and blue (in the original more bottle-green than black) somehow represents the ideas coming together (the firm grasping of the opportunity) which will lead to a positive benefit for the person!

No pressure, but if you felt inclined to now say whether it might serve as a logo for my coaching actvity as I try to make my purpose real for at least some people, let me know below!

Thanks again!

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