
By willcarroll


As many of the usual suspects jetted off to Ceuse, James and I headed down to the EICA:Ratho. I would say "for our usual lazy saturday at the climbing wall". But I've not been so much recently. Hopefully I'll manage to make more of a habit of it in the coming months. It's a nice way to spend the day.

Allan and Ross were climbing, and they had Allan's little one in tow, looking photogenic.

Then Ellie from Leeds turned up with her dad on a weekend's training trip. This is her, hanging tough at the rest before the crux roof section of a recently upgraded 7b on the Hangar Wall.

James and I did our best "two old men" impression shouting beta from the ground. James did a better job than me of living up to the shouts when he got back on the wall (Good tick mate). You'd not think he dislocated his elbow two months previous!

Here's a few more shots from the day: My Flickr Site

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