Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

Sundown Reflections

Here I am backblipping again. My computer is still down, and it probably will be for several more days. At least I can come to work, on my day off, and add my photos. It is strange being here at my desk and not being interrupted with phone calls, staff, or patrons.

This photo was captured just after the sun went down. I went a little out of town, where there was some clear sky and no fog. That's pretty hard to find in this town in the summer. Oh well, at least we don't have the sizzling heat.

Not much to write, I am having some personal problems that I am dealing with right now that are very stressful, which is making it hard to sleep and concentrate. Someday, I may write something about it, but not right now.

Hope you are all having a nice weekend.

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