Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Water Balloons

When is the last time you ran around the yard dodging water balloons while laughing hysterically? For us it was yesterday. We set up the kiddy pool, got out our lounge chairs, and enjoyed an entire day out in the backyard. My son wanted to blow up some water balloons so he, my husband, and our little girl painstakingly blew them up and tied them as I lounged on the chair with a magazine. I called over, "hey, is this cool that I'm not helping?" Had to ask even though I was so loving the relaxation. And no, they didn't need me. Yay for me. Ha ha ha.

About a half an hour later, thirty or so balloons were tied up and waiting to be thrown. My son grabbed one and threw it at my husband. Game on! Note: I was still thoroughly enjoying the relaxation time. But only for a moment. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the water balloon fight gravitating my way, so I jumped up and grabbed a couple of balloons. I just missed my son but got my husband square on. It was beautiful. I was laughing so hard because I was now in the fight 100% and loving it. Orange water balloons were flying everywhere and everyone was running in different directions. We all got hit. It was hot out and the water felt so refreshing.

When we ran out of balloons, I realized that I was still laughing while trying to catch my breath. It was similar to our water gun fight a couple of weeks back. Feels so good to act like a kid and soak up all of the silliness and goofiness that makes up their entire day. And it was so nice spending the entire day outside in the company of one another. I absolutely adore my little family and when I am with them, there is no where else I would rather be.

Now fast forward to today. I was on "filling the water balloons" duty today. We would fill them up, tie them and then launch them into the pool. My son through a few against our fence loving the explosion of water that it created and then he had a new idea. "Hey Mom, I'm gonna hit this water balloon with my baseball bat". "Okay, but first let me get my camera, I think the explosion is going to be pretty awesome". So next thing we knew, he was slamming water balloons with his baseball bat and loving it. I would set up the balloon and count to three. He would hit the balloon as I would time my shot. And this is what we came up with. I love experimenting with water effects so I chose it for today's blip.

Another fun summer day together.......

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