
By CanCarrier

Corrour Station,

On Saturday Julie celebrated her Fortieth Birthday, to make the most of it she asked a whole bunch of people to climb one of the easiest Munros with her, Beinn Na Lap.

So twenty eight people dressed in seventies fancy dress jumped on the train in Fort William and singing every seventies song we could think of, dancing in the isles and making the lives of the commuters Hell we journeyed to Corrour Station.

The staff were so taken with our foolishness they hopped off the train and took our pictures.

It rained all day, and no one gave a toss.

The fancy dress disintegrated on the bog trot to the summit, and at the cairn we drank champagne and Julie claimed her 283rd, and therefore final, Munro. She is now a completist. I think she nearly cried.

The little restaurant at Corrour Station did their best to feed us, but we just about ate their cupboards bare waiting for the next train. When the train arrived the Conductor hopped off and addressing the crowd with authority said.

'I've heard about you, everyone of you in this carriage please.' He had a big grin on his face.

We sang and danced some more and at Fort William we exited the station as a Conga line.

Elvis, and Elton John, Barbarella and Rod Stewart, you should have seen the costumes.

Never had a day like it. Bet I never will again.



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