a couple of seasons ago

Uploaded 18/07/2010

I have no idea what happened on this day; six months later I can see that I have a number of pictures of a leaf (probably the one I was keeping on a shelf in the flat for just this sort of thing) but nothing of anything else useful;y-remindative (though I shall check my Twitter stream of the day to seeif it provides any insights) and can verify by other pictures that the pictures on the roll of film from which the previous few days' blips will be taken (one of which was previously erroneously uploaded against today) that the roll of film was completed yesterday. I possibly left work early enough to get to Trumps to pick it up, though the problem with rushing a pickup from Trumps would now appear to be that it leaves little time to inspect the developed negatives in the shop for blobs and splodges and scratches on the film. Whilst the scratches could conceivably by the camera the blobs bear the marks of insufficiently-tapped film where a bubble has prevented the chemicals in the tank getting at the chemicals on the film, leaving an undeveloped splodge. Six months later it's a little bit late to go back and complain (even though I did go back to give them the money they over-refunded me after their previous fuckup with scanning and printing and introducing JPEG artefacts into TIFF scans) but I will one day get round to sending in some files to Ilford in response to their email asking me to describe the problem in more detail after I complained about their dodgy contrast enhancement in their printing and scanning processes. There's an almost-completed film in the F80 at the moment containing various low-lighting moments from the wingpiglet's first two months which will probably end up being taken into A&M for process-only-development; they're closest, and whilst their scanning leaves too much to be desired for me to want to pay for it they appear to be the best non-mail-order means of getting the film developed.

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