Head Cold

My on again, off again battle with the sniffles and sore throat is on again. After being stuffy on the weekend I thought I had it beat yesterday. Then today it is back with a vengence.

So I have taken some medicineand now I am taking some "other" medicine. Cheers.

After the incident this morning withthe cigarette (see yesterdays blip), I had a huge moment on my bike on the way home today. Coming off one of the motorways there is a really nice, smooth bend which is great fun on a bike. Naturally I tipped it in and cranked the throttle. It was dusk and I didn't see the oil/diesel on the road. Someone had had a big spill on their way around the corner. When I hit it the front of the bike started to go straight away. Now I should mention here that I am a big front brake used but this evening, instinct told me to leave the brakes, roll off the throttle and straighten the bike up. All in a mirco second. Luckily there were no gaurd rails because I went straight off the road.

Luckily I didn't fall off. I sometime think those skills I learned racing bikes 10 or so years ago are still with me.

I rode the rest of the way home slowly.

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