RugbymadsDad Day.....

By rugbymadsdad


I cycled along the River Ouse in the Bedford area again today and once i discoverd i would not be able to see the Barbel again, cloud cover water level had droped, water was very clear and 3 Polish men trying to fish i tried upstream and this was taken about 6 miles upstream the area was crawling with young boys fishing but in this swim there was just me watching and four cracking roach and this was the best they would do a few circuits of the swim and then back into the weeds mid channel then re apprear for another swim.....On the photo you can see the lovely read/orange marking on the fins and the graze down the back but i am not sure what that was from....Guessing an underwater obstruction as the river was not deep enough to support a Pike that do do that damage. I decided against letting on to the boys that the roach were there as i didnt want to see them troubled.....They were so graceful to watch.....If you havnt guess i love to watch fish in the river.....

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