
Yesterday evening's inauguration of life.turns at Inspace did indeed provide the necessary bright spot in an exhausting day.

The technology involved in the producition was oh so clever and the hints thrown out of delights to come, in the speech by the newly pared down Joe, proved tantalizing. We wait with bated breath.

It was good as usual to meet weel kent faces and be introduced to new ones.
It was a pleasure to sit with and speak to Miss R Able who had come all the way from Sweden for the inauguration, but sorry I missed Distractedhausfrau from the States.

The flowing wine for the adults and tubs of Jelly beans meant for children but consumed for the most part by the older generation were perfect distractions.

And so today dawns and the packing is done, the panniers loaded and so heavy they risk toppling the bikes over backwards.
The waterproofs are at hand in case the weather forecast for tonight is correct.
I've remembered my passport and my clean hankie, my Euros are stowed securely and my digital camera and I-phone packed.
The flower tubs have been watered, the washing done and it only remains for me to have a shower to leave me sweet smelling for the next 24 hours.

The European Bike Bus with trailer for the cycles is making a special trip north to Edinburgh to pick up 9 of us and carry us down to France via the Channel Tunnel.
All we have to do is get to the centre of Edinburgh at 10:30 tonight and we will be deposited in Verdun in time to register for the Semaine tomorrow evening.

Alors, a bientot.......

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