My Angle

By myangle

Truck and Dog Sign

1/500th sec, f8, 400ISO, 28-105mm lens @ 90mm, Canon 350D

I saw this sign on my way over to my Father-in-Law today. I can only assume that a "dog" is industry speak for some sort of earth moving machine. I found it amusing anyway.

If you were applying what would you put on your CV?

"20 years plus dog driving experience. Some cat, horse and mouse too."

It gave me a giggle. We do have Dingo Digger and Bobcats. I would be interested to know what a dog is.

More storms and showers were expected today but I thought I might spare the blip community another day of my storm photos...unless something spectacular happens. Unusually there were several severe storms this morning and more are expected tonight. I would really like to get some real rain out of them. All we got at home yesterday was 7mm. That won't fill my rainwater tank. I need about another 40 mm for that. This sultry weather makes sleeping in a little difficult so I imagine I will be a little ragged by the end of the week.

As I said before I went over to my Father-in-Law's place this morning. I cooked up a big batch of curry last week and needed to offload some to his freezer and exchange it for some of the spaghetti bolognaise I made the week before. We both need variety. I am going to have a look for a small freezer so I can cook up at least half a dozen different meals. At 9.30, Dad was still in bed but got up when I arrived. Andy, (his son and carer) proceeded to bundle him into the shower before he could get distracted with something else. My visit was short and I headed home.

Jo finished at 11 am and we went off the find a JP to witness some of the papers the bank sent us. We are negotiating the minefield of refinancing at the moment. I will be glad when it's over. So much paperwork from the new bank, so many things to close with the old and I don't want to think about how many direct debits need to be cancelled and then set up with the new bank.

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