Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

Every cloud...

...has a deluge of rain in it!

I was working today, meetings, not the activity of choice for a Sunday.

Anyway finished at the back of 3 so that was OK apart from the fact that the heavens opened and the rain was torrential. In the 5 minute cycle to the station I was completely soaked through to the skin.

I had made the station with about 3 minutes to spare but my trousers were so wet I couldn't get my ticket out of them quick enough to get through the barriers and on the train:-( I watched it leave as I fought with my wet trousers.

Sunday service meant there was an our to kill so I cheered myself up with a coffee and a cake and sat and finished 'The Girl With The Dragon Tatoo'. Really good book, I enjoyed it. One of those ones that your sad you've finished it.

So not all bad...maybe every cloud does have a silver lining.

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