Home or Castle?

A busy enough day, spent mainly on finalising the web site for the guy from the music group and maintaining a couple of other sites. At the end of the day it doesn't look as if very much has changed, but it was all very time-consuming all the same.

All the while, the day outside was doing its best to brighten up and a nice bit of evening sunshine around 7.00 pm convinced me to get out and about for a bit. Good old St Anne's Park was the chosen port of call, and I spent a pleasant hour or so walking around and smelling the roses (literally) and clicking the shutter now and again.

I'd already missed the best of the display in the Rose Garden (silly me), but the late evening light was doing its thing, casting long shadows and making everything look its best. Despite all the photo ops in the park, I ended up with this instead. It's a strange-looking house which is near one of the entrances to St Anne's. It's recently had some work done to it, and it looked really well against the bright blue evening sky. The building has always intrigued me, and I'd really like to see the inside, just out of curiosity about whether or not it's as strange inside as it is out.

By the way, I've back-blipped yesterday if anyone's interested.

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