an image of teamdel

By teamdel

life.turns. 4 - Super Bag Man

Is it a bird, is it a plane no it is Bag Man in a Superman outfit running backwards and forwards across his living room pressing the timer then shutter buttons then getting manically set up in ten seconds, trying to do another life.turns..

It being a Sunday there are lots more people walking past my living room window to see this madness. Luckily Bag Man has a belly of cake for confidence and a bag on his head to hide behind.

Blimey did I make this one tough.
First shoot I tried to cram it in this morning between house tasks and not until I thought I had done it and packed everything away did I notice that my left leg was all wrong. Luckily I spotted it before upload and so it will not be a John Cleese funny walk.

So a few hours later I tried again without the failing special effects (a fan) and Bag Man tried again. This time was better and so we got something from it.

I have to say our living room is not the best place for this as it is only just long enough so getting the final crop is hard as there is very little room for error in leaving enough space at the top and bottom of the shot for the crop.

Yesterday I was too high and today I was too low. Just goes to show even super heros can have off days!

Oh, and as in the old adverts "Just say NO to nicotine"

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