
By tkt

end of an era

This is my Pentax 1° digital spotmeter.

It is one of the most precise, consistent and dependable light meters ever made.
To make it even better, Zone VI, the company I bought it from, had a special new chip custom designed for it by a cracker jack scientist. It sounded just right ~ A Perfect Thing ~ so I saved up, bought it...and almost never used it!

I can appreciate large format, but, though I've tried it over and over again, it just really isn't my cup of tea. So it's time, and past time, to give up that perfectionist ideal.

Accordingly, I'll be letting go of the meter and the big film gear ~ and of that particular kind of quality ~ as quickly and as definitively as I can manage. In a way, it feels like the end of a personal era.

But every end can be a new beginning, can't it? What I'm looking forward to is building on the different ways of making pictures that have already begun to bear some fruit. While doing that, I hope to discover more ways that will be even more fruitful.

The bottom line is that I want my photography to be less analytical, theoretical and abstracted ~ and more spontaneous, intuitive, contemplative and grounded.

Which is what I'd also like for myself.

Which sounds ideal, doesn't it? ;~)


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