Around the Block

By Barrioboy

La Catedral del Mar

The cathedral of Santa Maria del Mar (Saint Mary's by the Sea) was begun in 1329 and finished 54 years later in 1383. The basic unit of measurement was the medieval foot equivalent to 33 centimetres. The pillars you see are 33 modern metres high and I decided to seek permission to lie on my back to get as much of them in with my 24-70 mm zoom (f2.8) set to its widest angle. I lay on a tombstome slab with a date in the late 1300's, sharing the view, so to speak, with its occupant! It took a lot of sweating amongst the cathedral's visitors to capture this, at least it was round the back out of sight of people in the nave. There is a slant through perspective but I decided against a fully symmetrical shot which may be the perceived wisdom to achieve balance, in favour of a slight rotation and off-set...I think I am beyond help! Still, hope you enjoy!

PS Recommended in LARGE!

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