A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

A very grey August.

Off and on, still raining. Ho hum.
Before the July/August rain started, the water company for North West England said a hosepipe ban was necessary as our reservoirs were low - which is true, I'd seen them myself.

Yesterday (Thursday), around the time of yesterday's blip, so much rain fell that local press reported we'd had a month's worth of rain in one hour.
The news report did not surprise me!

Today has still been pretty wet; local radio stated that the hosepipe ban is still in place, which made me think two things.

Things must be bad if the ban is still in place.
Who would use their hosepipe when it's this wet, anyway?

This was taken at about 1pm on my lunchtime stroll. The far building is Media City site, where parts of the BBC will move to sooner or later.

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