Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

still waters......

its been a rather pleasant afternoon in london, bit breezy but quite mild. lexie and i decided to head over to london bridge, actually lexie just wanted to go on a train so i thought i would use the opportunity to get in a few shots for todays blip.
i took way too many shots today and i'm not sure i've used the best one from a technical standpoint but i liked this one.
it is the fountain in "hayes galleria" on tooley street (london). thought i would try a reflection shot. so while this is the water in the base of the fountain, it is really an image of the glass roof covering the galleria. even though the water had settled for a moment while it waited to restart its cycle, it still twisted the reflection in an odd but pleasing way.

while out i passed the "open shutters" exhibition outside ken's tacky building. the exhibition was displaying pictures taken by a group of iraqi women and a six year old child. the idea was to "gently encourage them to tell their personal stories of life and loss at home in war-torn iraq".
the end result is this exhibition which contains some very powerful photo-stories.
i was quite humbled obviously by the words, but also by some of the images they have managed to capture. especially in a country where free expression is not exactly encouraged. the 6 year olds pictures were truly impressive.
despite the heaviness of that part of our day out it has been fun.........best part was lexie falling asleep on my lap as we came home. jeez, i'm getting soft in my old age.

trying to pass this off as part of the assignment with the roof being reflected in the waters texture

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