
After a day filled mostly with rain we were so lucky that it cleared up ready for Lymes carnival this evening. Jack and Erin were excited about it all day so I think we would have had no choice but to go anyway. As you can see from the picture we actually came second in the mixed groups of children and adults. Jack is very excited by this as he has money to put in his piggy bank from his winnings. I couldn't have been more proud of them this evening, they were perfectly behaved, they waved and danced the carnival route and did everything they were asked. I had turned their buggy into a kind of rickshaw and Jack only had to sit in it a couple of times and Erin not once she just had endless energy. Such a lovely night ending with fireworks which Jack and Erin have never seen before, they liked them although I don't think they were overly keen on the bangs. It started to drizzle very slightly just before the first firework and as the finale ended it began to chuck it down. It was like there had been a window of dry so that carnival could be a success.

If you promise not to laugh here is a picture of all of us

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